Business in a Box
Developing a business is complex, with constantly moving and evolving processes. Likewise, when beginning a business, it is often done in response to a need, and the business will grow and develop organically around you as the founder and your team.
As a business owner you may be ready to grow your company or address a challenge that you see in your industry. It is at this point that being the founder / owner can be an isolating place. Your desire will be strong, as is your view from the bridge; however, the process isn’t always as clear. It takes vision, organisation, planning, and forecasting to bring an idea into being. These are all factors that have of course brought you as an entrepreneur this far in your career. The disparity now is that you are looking to take the next step, whilst running your current business. The difference between organically growing a business and taking a quantum lead in disrupting, innovating, and changing an industry is not only sizable, but daunting. This is where Consorticon Group can offer invaluable support.
Consorticon Group is a collaborative partnership of experienced pathfinders with understanding across a range of industries and territories. Our team brings decades of knowledge in supporting businesses in taking the next step.
Following years of refining our method our service offers a ‘Business in a Box’ solution. Our team can support you and your team in taking the steps needed to grow, change, and disrupt your industry.
The first phase is a period of discovery whereby the team will bring fresh eyes and an unbiased look at the current market, demographics, product, services and benchmark the potential through the P&L. Our intention is to get to a go/no-go decision very quickly on the viability of your project and present a way forward. We will fully explore the ambition, scope, and potential within the concept. Due to our extensive experience, we will research and model every potential revenue line. With a belief that everything starts and stops with the P&L we will ensure that you have a robust financial plan based on detailed and proven modelling processes to ensure that you can make fully informed decisions.
Nevertheless, finances are not the only consideration in building a business. At the forefront of any good business is its people. Part of our deliver process is to ensure that all stakeholders come along on the journey with us. This is where our skilled and developed process comes to the fore. Stakeholders will develop as the project progresses, which is why we create an essential and clear stakeholder map. This map will detail the internal and external stakeholders and identify decision making pathways.
Consorticon Group is not a team of consultants, we aspire to be partners in your journey and believe in delivering value which pays for itself as we journey with our clients.
Naturally we believe in our processes, however our client’s words probably speak louder. We pride ourselves on delivering successful outcomes, if you succeed so do we. Click below to hear some of our recent clients talk about their experience of partnering with us.
Our Business in a Box process provides a roadmap and a critical pathway to success. We will model from business planning, financial forecasting, operational management, recruitment and talent management, market research and positioning, technology requirements, partnering right through to execution.
For a no obligation discussion about the potential that you see in your industry and how we can add value, get in touch.